Thursday, April 12, 2012

Green Science Fair Projects - Creative Ideas For Environmentally Oriented Projects

Here are many ideas for science fair projects that are geared toward environmental awareness, renewable vigor and sustainable living.

Wind vigor Demonstration - Build a wind tower with small electric motor which generates power to do work or charge a battery. Use an external fan or hair dryer to simulate wind. contribute supporting information from major wind vigor manufacturers.

Power Solar Charger

Renewables Survey - show the way a study on the best renewable vigor sources to use in your area, and identify the opportunities and challenges to implementing such a plan. Interview providers, agencies, landowners.

Green Science Fair Projects - Creative Ideas For Environmentally Oriented Projects

Hydrogen Generation - Build a solar powered water hydrolyzer. Use a solar cell to split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. Supporting information would reveal the Hydrogen economy and fuel cell powered devices.

Hydroelectric Power - Build a hydroelectric generator. Small scale to have falling water turn a turbine which generates electricity. investigate and document the environmental tradeoffs of hydropower.

Biodiesel - originate biodiesel from discarded fryer oil. Show the reactions and the issues nearby using biodiesel in accepted diesel vehicles. investigate new developments in biodiesel generation.

Concentrated Solar Power - originate a working model of a concentrated solar power (Csp) station. Discuss hot fluid flow and storage, load leveling.

Composting - accomplish an analysis of varied waste streams to understand the potential discount from composting (cafeteria, home, restaurant, etc.). Supporting evidence on uses of compost or organic matter in biofuels.

Cheapest / Greenest Batteries - hypothesize the life cycle cost of varied types of batteries in typical applications. For example, how many alkaline, rechargeable NiMh or Lithium Aa would be required to control a digital point-and-shoot for 1 hour per day for 1 year. hypothesize the extended cost per year and quantum the landfill and toxic metal contribution in addition to the total cost. Will require calculating life of varied battery types in varied applications.

Energy Audits - originate and execute an vigor audit in varied settings and attempt to quantum the impact of varied changes. get electric bills or other usage metrics and do before/after data analysis. Focus on specific areas such as covenant fluorescent (Cf) lighting or setback thermostats.

Smart Power Strips - Some devices are sold that will quantum electricity consumption on specific outlets. reconsider using them to hypothesize the effectiveness of smart power strips, and hypothesize the payback period of a strip compared to the each year electricity usage avoided.

Carbon Footprint - hypothesize the carbon footprint of varied habitancy you know. propose ways for them to lower their footprint. illustrate the notion and compare footprints of your users to those in varied places/countries.

Green Rooftops - Build a green rooftop and demonstrate the value in food/plant output and vigor savings.

Waste Biomass to Energy - investigate and show the way a contemplate of local agricultural or commercial processes that originate unused biomass that could be diverted to vigor output through burning or ethanol production. contact the waste stream generators and interview to understand their issues and the status of biomass reuse.

Cellulosic Ethanol - Demonstrate the process and effectiveness of varied process or substances used to break down cellulose to fermentables for ethanol production. Ferment a control and varied experimental settings and compare the quantity of ethanol produced.

Clean Water - quantum the water quality of varied water sources such as ponds, lakes and streams. Note the quality variations of some samples from the same source over time and from varied locations, such as upstream and downstream of an commercial site.

Landfill Gas Power - Demonstrate the generation of vigor from landfill gases. Build a sealed landfill with organic material. Capture and show the methane generated and reveal applications of landfill gas used to yield electricity.

Animal Waste Power. Demonstrate the generation of vigor from animal waste. Similar to above but a little higher on the "gross" scale! get statistics on total mass of beef, pork and poultry waste generated in your country in one year and hypothesize the potential Mwh per year of electricity which could be generated. turn to currency.

Automobile Mileage Studies. quantum the impact of varied mileage improvement strategies. It helps to have a car with a reliable instantaneous Mpg calculator. verbalize precise controls on ambient temperature, warmup, elevation change, wind and other nonvariables, and vary tire pressure, acceleration rate, car speed, total car weight and other factors. Run multiple nonsequential trials for each and show variability within and over variable groups. Make conclusions on effectiveness of each variable. Predict a target Mpg from the composition of some factors and then experiment to see how close the actual values came to your predictions.

Electric car Charging Station. Produce a solar powered electric car recharging station. Using current tool specifications, hypothesize how large the middle point would need to be to recharge a current output electric vehicle. assessment the cost of building and years of carrying out to hypothesize cost per kWh and compare to conventionally-purchased electricity.

These are just a few ideas for combining Green with your next Science Fair project. Do Well!

Green Science Fair Projects - Creative Ideas For Environmentally Oriented Projects